Monday, May 24, 2010

The Parted Two - In The Midst of Noon

*          *         *
He tossed his bag and threw himself on the bed..

What a day, he thought. Keith Summerain wasn't quite a studious student, as a matter of fact, he got himself barred from the examination a couple of times, not because of horrible performance but 'cause of ditching the class all the time. Keith had always loved Alchemy class ever since the class started, it was as though there were something that kept tight of his attention - and that was his mentor. While lying inn bed, Keith's heart felt warm, songs of birds chirping by the window, his mind still lingered on memories in class, visualizing the un-vivid scenes of his mentor...
"Keith, get yourself down NOW and help me out with the lunch meal!!!" his sister, Jaine yelled.. With that  strength oof the voice, she could easily be heard even from far as miles away.

The quiet noon was broken by the yellings of his sister. He lazily dragged himself up and rushed down to his sister. "There you are dreamy boy. What were you doing upstairs?" His sister asked just as he went to her.

"Nah, I was just chilling. The scorching noon is making me drowsy sis," He replied slowly.
"You know, it's weird to see you not missing any Alchemy class this sem. Are you up to something in school?" Jaine asked with much suspicion. 
"N-no...nothing's up sis. It's just that I feel bad for ditching classes. After all, you're the one's paying my fees, a'ight?"
"Liar. C'mon. Spill the beans. Wait, lemme guess, you've got a hot mentor that's why?"
"I don't know. Don't ask me. Urgh! I'm heading to the occult store now, bye!!"

Keith hurried off as he stuck the last plate on the table. In the midst of the scorching noon, his heart still pounds from the mixed uncertainties about his mentor. 

Gosh, that was close. But it's nothing wrong to have a little crush on my mentor a'ight, he whispered silently ..



Unknown said...

I think this is wonderfull I live in South Africa and I ....Love WICCA it fasinate me...I want evry one to cast a Happynnes and luck spel for I am down and dont know If I should go on Living anymore

Octey said...

What song is that? That music is beautiful!