Friday, May 28, 2010

Of great days and melancholic farewells

So, it's a Thursday and I'm supposed to have a co-op briefing at uni. Instead, I decided to ditch it went for karaoke session with Belinda and gang. (Trust me, I'm not being a bad kid here, this is life) =p

So for dinner, we went to Full House at Jalan Yap Kwan Seng and I fell in love with the whole decoration ideas of the restaurant. Not to mention the countless attempts to actually get a nice picture of us in the mirror...

attempt 1 - epic fail
attempt 2 - epic fail...again
and there - final attempt, a successful one =p=p

I can't possibly be uploading every single camwhore pictures here so you guys can view it in my facebook ;)

Anyways, to sum it all, the day ended with such melancholy, and hereby to Hui Kee: have a safe trip back home and to Aussie, and all the best in whatever you do!!!